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Community 🏠

Learning Plot? Love data visualization? Don’t go it alone! Join our community to get help, be inspired, and do the same for others.

Staying up-to-date


Please star ⭐️ our GitHub repo to show your support for us on GitHub!

Plot is getting better all the time; catch up on recent releases by reading our CHANGELOG.

And of course, follow us on Observable, Mastodon, Twitter, and LinkedIn!

Getting help

We recommend asking for help on GitHub discussions.

We encourage you to share your work, no matter how messy, on Observable. Sharing live code is the easiest way to let people see what you see, and to debug your problem. Strive for a minimal, reproducible example — it helps people hone in on your problem more quickly.

When asking for help, don’t just post your code and ask people to fix it. Provide context, and say what you want help with. For example:

  • What are you trying to achieve? What is your goal?
  • What other solutions have you tried?
  • What behavior are you currently seeing?
  • Is the current behavior not what you expect?

If you think you’ve found a bug in Plot, please file a GitHub issue. But don’t use an issue to ask for help — you’ll have better luck on the forum or Slack.

Getting involved

We’d love for you to join the community! Here are some ways to participate:

  • Share your work on Observable. Working in public is a great way to help others learn and be inspired. Don’t worry if your code is messy or unfinished; sharing drafts normalizes the challenges that everyone experiences doing data visualization.

  • Upvote 👍 or comment on GitHub issues. We’d love your input on what to build next. If your desired feature isn’t already there, or if you’ve found a bug, file an issue and tell us about it.

  • Answer questions or participate in discussions on GitHub. You’ll help others, and might learn something yourself, too.

  • Join the Observable community Slack to meet others using Plot.

  • Open a pull request! Read our guide to contributing.

Please help us maintain a positive environment for all by adhering to our code of conduct. Thank you!